

1999.3.1 Hirohide Yanase



Time is not money. Time is art.

「時間をはずした日の祭り」THE DAY OUT OF FESTIVALを、呼びかけます。

Time is art.




Global Calendar Change!

Let's Make the Circumpolar Rainbow Bridge!


From Lake Baikal to Venezuela,
from Australia to Oregon;

The Great Calendar Change of 2004,
The World is Entering the New Time!


Ashland, Oregon - Lithia Park & Historic Armory

Lithia Park:
Visions of a New Humanity, a free event, all day long on the Day Out of Time!
A Family Celebration!  Peace Through Culture! 13 Moon Calendar!  Speakers!  Music!
Rainbow Bridge Meditation!  Kids Area!  Play! Movement!  ART!

~ also ~

The Historic Ashland Armory:
Three Evenings of Music
The Day Out of Time Celebration
The Great Calendar Change of 2004
Cosmic Moon 27, 28, & The Day Out of Time
(Gregorian: July 23rd, 24th and 25th 2004)
@ the Historic Ashland Armory
208 Oak Street, Ashland OR, 97520

Doors: 7pm

Lost Children of Babylon, TranceZenDance, Lost at Last,
Tinsel Tilde,
Scott Huckabay, Thunderbeat, Satya Yuga,
The Moment, Deep Root Theory, Resonant Sun, and more ...

This will be a Foundation for the Law of Time benefit event:
Daily tickets: $18 pre-order, $23 at the door
Three day passes: $45 pre-order, $50 at the door on Cosmic 27

For more line-up and ticket information click here

Ashland, Oregon - The Windmill Inn

Visions of a New Humanity

Internationally renowned authors and speakers will join us for the
conference, but the most important person is YOU! Our goal is to create
an atmosphere of profound creativity where we co-create the experience
together, not just sit and listen to an endless stream of presentations.

  • We are proud to present the showing of the film, "What the Bleep Do we Know"
  • An Amazing Line-Up of Speakers, Vendors, and Fellow Lightworkers to Meet, Share and Celebrate With
  • Innovative Smaller Group Workshops that Provide Insights and Practical Tools for Growth and Conscious Evolution
  • Pre-Conference Film Festival with Stephen Simon on the 22nd which will include the showing of INDIGO, Somewhere in Time and What Dreams May Come
  • Psychic & Indigo Children Offer Their Vision and Perspectives
  • Video and Accounts from the Iraq Peace Vigil Held on March 20th, 2004 in Baghdad
  • Musical Performances by James Twyman, Scott Huckabay, Anton Mizerak, Fantuzzi, Laura Derocher and others...
  • A Day Out Of Time Celebration on Sunday including Web Casts from Other Countries
  • Enormous Dome for Eco - Village filled with Learning Displays of Eco - Minded Products
  • Prayers for Peace .... and So Much More!!!

There will be Simultaneous Children and Teen's Programs that Take Children on a Fun and Experiential Journey as They Learn Tools and Unlock Abilities They Can Use in This Game Called Life

This will be a unique opportunity to join noted luminarians and fellow lightworkers in an event that is bound to call forth in you what you can do in the world NOW to propel yourself and humanity into the higher vibrations of Love, Peace, Joy & Compassion.

Guest Speakers Include:

For full Conference information, click here.

Where: Ashland, Oregon
When: Cosmic Moon 27, 28 and Day Out of Time (Gregorian July 23-25)

Asheville, North Carolina

The Touch Samadhi Arts and Music Festival
Gregorian July 23-25 2004,
Feast of the Sun
Day Out of Time!
@ Deerfields Retreat & Amphitheatre
Asheville NC USA

A revolutionary new understanding of the nature of consciousness that can help us see beyond the inner structures that limit our awareness. To ultimately, discover who we are beyond our thoughts, emotions, memories, associations, and perceptions.

Join us for a mid-summer festival, falling halfway between the summer solstice and the vernal equinox. The Neptunalia, a festival in honour of Neptunus, the God of all the fresh water, from rivers, lakes, oceans and springs. The Neptunalia, July 23, comes in the hottest days of Summer, when water is needed most. The Day out of Time is celebrated annually on July 25. It has been celebrated internationally since 1993 as a day of Peace Through Culture.
The main focus of this day is tuning in to the true timeless essence of life.


Athens, Georgia

A Day Out of Time Festival is being held outside Athens, GA
on Red Planetary Earth and White Spectral Mirror! (July 24-25th)

Honoring the New Time, the calendar change and celebrating the arrival of the year of the Blue Crystal Storm and the rising of the star Sirius! There will be live music performances by the reigions top 1320 artists including Elemental Harmonics along with a slew of Dj's and addtional bands TBA.

There will also be live visual artists painting, fire dancing, drum circles, yoga and meditation playshops and camping on site!

Exact location and directions will be released at a later date.

For more info or volunteer information
please call: 404.630.0627
or email:

Aubury Creek, South Australia

Mutonia Sculpture Park

It is envisaged that we build a tree (there aren't many real ones in that immediate vicinity, so we're gonna have to!!) upon which we then ceremoniously hang all our old '12:60' watches, clocks and other mechanistic timing devices. This will facilitate our conscious adoption of the 'New' 13 Moon calender as an organically and Universaly Harmonious method of measuring Time. The 'Clock-Tree' will remain as testiment and an educational sculpture to our action.

Go to Earthdream for more information!


Austin, Texas

Day Out Of Time Celebration!

White Spectral Mirror - 11 Etznab - Kin 258.
Sunday July, 25, 2004
Sunrise - Sunset
Pease Park
1100 Kingsbury Street
Austin, Texas

Meet other Kin!  Decode Your Own Kin Identity!  Kin Face Painting!  Learn the Synchronometer!
Learn the Mayan Calendar!  Learn the Tzolkin!  Learn the Dreamspell!  Learn the Mayan Long Count! Learn the Azteca Piedra del Sol! Meditation & Prayer every "Tonal Hour"!
Music of all sorts! Artists of all sorts! 
Morning Sunrise Ceremony.
High Noon Ceremony (daylight savings time: 1:32 p.m. CST).
Evening Sunset Ceremony.
An All Day Event!

Email Bryan Red Solar Skywalker for more information.

Berg - Aufkirchen, Germany

Rainer and Monika
Phone: 0049 - (0)9973 - 500 94 00

Cape Town, South Africa

PAN - Planet Art Network
Invites you to the World-Wide Day Out of Time Festival

The Great Calendar Change of 2004

Sunday July 25

The Venue:
Noordhoek Common

We are inviting you to bring your selves, your skills and wares to the first
Day Out of Time Festival in Africa! This is an international peace through culture festival,
(synchronising with many other "Day Out of Time" Festivals world-wide)
where we invite all to come to a space that offers education about alternative
and harmonious ways of living on this planet and with each other.

One of these ways is through changing our calendar from the irregular 12-month Gregorian calendar to the Harmonious 13 Moon - 28 Day calendar or synchronometer. A system offered to us by the Maya, the Galactic Timekeepers. This event marks the prophesied Changing of the Calendar which provides a tool and platform for harmonising us, the human race, with our planet and the galaxy as we enter the last phase of our journey towards 2012 and on to 2013!

We ask you bring your knowledge about other alternative tools and healing
forms and systems that are all a part of this movement towards a global village
to change our minds, to change our world, creating the future global village of peace!




tel: Murray 072 113 2010
Justine 084 367 1490
or 084 788 3953

Culiacán, Sinaloa. México

tel: (52)(667)(712 08 01)

Dorset, United Kingdom

A Holistic World Fusion Arts Festival

A Day Out of Time Celebration
International Festival of Peace

Cosmic Moon 27 - the Day Out of Time
(23 - 25th July)

Only 1500 tickets available and only in advance!
Tickets available on line –


The future of festivals -promoting sustainable living and renewable energy through creative expression and the celebration of life.

An alchemical fusion of live world music and contemporary electronica, integrating multi-media arts, poetry, performance and dance over five different stages. . . three days promoting the diverstity of culture and consciousness through the arts. . . in harmony with mother nature.

At the sacred heart of the turaya gathering we offer you the chance to learn and explore a variety of holistic and alternative therapies with inclusive experiential workshops.

The aim of the Turaya Gathering is to provide a family friendly environment with opportunities for learning and creative play, there will be supervised activities for children of all ages.

This is a liscenced gathering and facilities include free camping, parking, and toilets, showers, sauna and sweat lodge - All set within the grounds of a beautiful two thousand acre private estate in Dorset, UK.

For more information visit:

Epuyen - Patagonia, Argentina

Five Day Vigil for Peace and Day Out of Time Celebration!

Message from Flavia regarding Epuyen's third Day Out of Time:

Epuyen will have two different celebrations of DOOT.
One will be in the garden, starting in Resonant Wizard on the Uayeb,
visitors will be arriving for a 5 day vigil for peace.
On DOOT, we will have the ceremonies when sun rises and will follow the rest of the day with all kin, dances, drums, music, meditation, and more ...

In the center of Epuyen, the small city will have its third DOOT.
Around 11:00 Opening ceremony at the Gymnasium,
with the Epuyen official Authorities signing the Banner of Peace Pact,
and the Calendar Reform document will be read and calendar change declared.
The gymnasium will host an Exchange fair (trueque) where people will take all kinds of things to exchange, including art, music, ideas, projects ...
and an exposition of Rainbow Bridge paintings made by kids!
At 13:20 we have our radio program wich will be in loud speakers and
again the calendar reform will be declared.
The celebration will finish with a parade back to the garden with banners, horses etc ...

We will give to each person in Epuyen a New Time Kit:
New Syncronary - second year, easy version with kin poem
A banner of peace sticker
A neckless with the kin made in ceramic ...
Everything for free!!!
We already have the syncronaries and stickers and making the ceramic kin at the garden.
We are also preparing 1320 wood signs of banner of peace to be distribuited in Bolson, Epuyen and in every house ....

We did this last year and it was great success ...

Houtvenne, Belgium

Kosmische Silio 28

Dag Buiten de Tijd

Magnetisch Dali 1

In samenwerking met de Natuurrijken trekken we aan de handrem en

Participeer in de Bevrijding van de Aarde!

Bekrachtig de collectieve Droom voor de Nieuwe Tijd!

Een driedaags Festival; bedoeld om jezelf te verdiepen in de Nieuwe Tijd.
Jezelf verdiepen in contact maken met de natuurlijke dimensie van Tijd
…het NU dat overal tegelijkertijd aanwezig is.
Drie Dagen voor de Aarde - Dansen, Zingen, Muziek maken, Ceremonies,
Bidden, Mediteren, In ontmoeting gaan…

De Ritten verwelkomt alle Kin
om dit feest te laten klinken door het hele Universum!

De eerste dag toveren we de witte tovenaarkalender om naar
een blauwe stormkalender. (Neem je oude zwart/wit kalendertje maar mee)
De tweede dag -De Dag Buiten de Tijd – is voor de kinderen.
De derde dag – Nieuwjaarsdag – zetten we collectief de intentie voor het
Nieuwe Jaar neer en starten we het
Planetaire Dienstverlenend Wavespell voor de Aarde! AYUM

Kosten van dit drie daagse evenement bedragen 69 euro.

Voor informatie en om te laten weten dat je wilt komen: en tel: 024 3778887 / 075 642 6483

-Recycle je kalender, neem je oude kalender mee
- Verhalen van tijd onder de wilg
- 1320 orakelen, maak je eigen galactisch paspoort
- Het verzamelen van de sterren strengen,
stilstaan bij het jaar

-Kinder avonturen land
- Balspel van de zonne ring
- Verhalen van UR
- Heilig bevuren van de sterre strengen
- Cosmic Disco
- Ceremonie van de Nieuwe Aarde

- Wake up, rise with the rising sun
listen to the heart, we are one
- Ollin ceremonie
- Experimenten in het sonische rijk

Lake Baikal, Russia

World Without Borders

On 25 of July 2004 – Day out if Time - Theatre of New Time program – Singing Planet will be held in the wonderful hall of creative arts in the capital of Buryatia – Ulan – Ude. It will be a synthesis of arts and ideals of the youth for future put together. Participants will present their projects by means of arts and will really become one whole for future. It will be a final day of the 7th Call of Baikal forum. The main idea is to present the “Earth is our common house project” created at this forum by youth and adults together - There will be songs, dances and video fragments speaking about our integrated actions for the future. The participant will go through symbolic Gates of the Golden Age and they will find the Gold Key to this Gate within themselves. Every team will present their project for World Without Borders mega project. The idea of the project is to create conditions for every human being to consciously take part in creating a new never existed world and becoming one team having a bright vision for the future and a program of actions to really become one whole.

We invite everybody to join us and to make a rainbow bridge of our thoughts and actions for future – we will announce all the countries supporting each other through distances and knowing the aim. It will be a celebration of New Life, new time, ONE HUMANITY for Love and cooperation. Culture will serve this wonderful purpose – to put away all borders to create conditions for people to really become ONE.

We also offer to join our projects and create a new calendar “Theatre of New time” where we can put all our events bringing new life to reality.

Singer, producer and initiator of the World Without Borders meeting - Nina Goncharova
Among participants – Talgat Akbashev – initiator of the Planet 3000 project (Russia), Rudolf Schneider Secretary General of the Institute for Planetary Synthesis (Switzerland), Claude Vesiau – composer, musician and representative of World Human Network, coordinators of Planet 3000 project from 17 territories from 8 countries.

We thank all those who feel the rhythm of Time and are ready to act together for creating a new world.

Please contact Nina Goncharova
Our web site is

Lisboa, Portugal

Dia Fora do Tempo
Domingo 25 de julho de 2004

comparte a tua arte !

  • és músico? queremos ouvir a tua música
  • és escritor? lê-nos alguns dos teus textos
  • és poeta? declama
  • és pintor? mostra-nos a tua obra
  • és bailarina(o)? vem dançar
  • fazes reiki, yoga, chi-kun? partilha a tua energia
  • conheces o calendário das 13 luas? informa novas pessoas
  • todos temos uma arte: participa !

um festival de paz criado por ... todos nós !

  • o festival decorrerá num lugar muito verde e à sombra de grandes árvores
  • iniciar-se-á de manhã bem cedinho, ao meio-dia faremos a meditação do dia fora do tempo, durante a tarde, partilharemos os nossos pic-nic’s, escutaremos música e dançaremos, partilharemos terapias, descodificaremos os kin’s a novas pessoas e convidá-las-emos a entrar no novo tempo, ao fim da tarde faremos outra lindíssima meditação, encerraremos o festival ao pôr-do-sol
  • também te posso dizer que não haverá: sistema de som, cenário, programa fixo ... tudo pode acontecer ...

o que deves trazer:

  • uma bandeira da paz hasteada numa cana, instrumentos musicais, pic-nic, mantas para te sentares e tudo o que aches que será útil… veste-te da cor do teu kin, isso permitir-nos-á brincar muito . . .
  • lembra-te que um guerreiro não deixa vestígios (cada um é responsável pelo seu próprio lixo)
  • no nosso website encontras a meditação do dia fora do tempo, estuda-a e prepara-te!
  • também encontras bandeiras da paz para comprar e também as medidas e as cores se quiseres fazer a tua própria bandeira, será óptimo que haja muitas bandeiras iguais

Planet Art Network (PAN) Portugal
Rede de Arte Planetária

London, United Kingdom


Universal ceremonies changing our planetary timeline to one of peace between all people by dissolving all the artificial boundaries that have separated us. Including a water healing ceremony for world peace.

This universal ceremony will take place on the Greenwich Meridian, the line that has been used to measure time and space on this planet since the creation of the British Empire. We now have an opportunity to dissolve the national karma associated with this and to make a major contribution to the creation of a genuinely planetary culture based on peace and respect for all as equals.

Inspirational speakers, poets & cultural leaders will present solutions for creating peace including the Calendar Change of 2004, interspersed with performance and entertainment.

Live music from great musicians with multimedia artists, dancers and performers combining to create an event of spectacular harmony and beauty dedicated to World Peace

An interactive participatory event featuring incredible projections, lighting, video, performance art and the best of contemporary dance music. All brought together with the intent to unify us on the dance floor and raise our energy together in celebration.

More Information:

Festival Of Peace Office: 0208-068-0053
Kwallilox 0779-5273401
Mark Heley 0781-8845736

Day Out Of Time Information:
Planet Art Network 01458-835808

Mantagua, Viña del Mar, Chile

El Dia Fuera del Tiempo es un Festival Planetario de conexión con la biósfera y la paz interna de cada uno de los habitantes del planeta. Es un día muy especial a nivel de las energías sutiles ya que es el término y el inicio del Año Maya, que nos da la posibilidad de aumentar nuestra sensibilidad telepática y cerrar un ciclo muy importante en la evolución humana, llamado el Puente Arcoiris Circumpolar, que si la energía de todos se une en paz, lo podremos ver y disfrutar en este evento.

La celebración comenzará el Sabado 24 al atardecer con fogatas, teepes, malabares, tambores, didgeridoos, musica ancestral y danzas primales, un espacio donde habrá música trance y un chill out con terapias de sanación.

El dia Domingo Seguiremos con estas mismas dinámicas, mas meditaciones, Yoga, pases mágicos, danzas, arte, talleres, bioterapia, reiki, dinámicas e información sobre el calendario maya y venta de comida muy rica y sana, jugos y tés naturales.

Puedes asistir desde el Sabado, llevando tu carpa o puedes solamente ingresar el dia Domingo.

La entradas están a la venta en:
Viña del Mar en la Librería Indurama, en la Galería Plenocentro, entre Quinta y Valparaíso.
Valparaíso en la Tienda de paulina Acuña, Almirante Montt 64, subida a cerro Alegre.
Santiago en la Librería Fohat, Orrego Luco 26, entre Providencia y 11 de Septiembre.
La preventa en la librería es más barata que la entrada en el mismo recinto.

Mon Repos queda a 6 kilometros desde Concón hacia Quintero-Horcón, hay
una gran bandera de la paz en la entrada.

Para mas información llamanos al 09.1349919

Te saluda atte
Antares del Sur
Bio Cultura Psi

Maracaibo, Venezuela

Three-day celebration!
(information below is tentatively set)

Cosmic Limi 27:
Dance Marathon at "Vereda del lago!"

Cosmic Silio 28:
Musical concert with cultural music from Maracaibo
performed by local artists at "Lia Bermudez" museum!

Day Out of Time:
Games for Children!
Rainbow Bridge Meditation at "Vereda del lago"

For more information:
tel: Sandra Davis: 0261-7435188 and
Miredy Leal: 0261-7188841

Information to be updated soon!

Medellin, Colombia

El Vuelo del Uayeb

más información aquí

Mendoza, Argentina

Celebration of the green Day in Mendoza Argentina,
includes seminary of Earth wizard in all its dimension.
Place: Biblioteka Ekumenika, near of the seat Independence
Day: Tuesday 20 of July Gamma Red Rhythmic Skywalker, Miercoles 21 kali White Resonant Wizard,
22 Thursdays Alpha Blue Galactik Eagle ...
These three days would be in Biblary Ekumenika.
Friday Limi Yellow Solar Warrior, Sabado Silio Red Planetary Earth,
Sunday Green Day White Spectral Mirror
These three days you would be in the Seat Independence.
Contribution for the factory of wizards;
10 pesos kin. The three days of the seat you would released in kin, To bring foods.
Red Information; Belen Red Earth Cosmic,, Griselda Red Electric Skywalker,, Oskar Blue Rhythmic Night,
Mitakouye oyiasin By all the relations ship

Celebracion del Dia verde en mendoza Argentina, incluye seminario de magos de la Tierra en toda su dimension. Lugar; Biblioteka ekumenika cerka de la plaza Independencia
Dias martes 20 de Julio gamma caminante rtimico rojo, miercoles 21 kali mago resonante blanco,jueves 22 alpha aguila galaktika azul.
Estos tres dias seran en la biblioteka ekumenika o fundacion ekumenika.
viernes limi guerrero solar amarillo, sabado silio tierra planetaria roja,
domingo Dia verde espejo espektral blanco

Estos tres dias seran en la Plaza Independencia.
Aporte para el taller de magos; 10 pesos kin.
los tres dias de la plaza seran liberados en kin,
Traer alimentos no perecederos.

Informes; Belen Tierra cosmika roja,, Griselda caminante del cielo elektrika roja,, Oskar noche ritmika azul,
Mitakouye oyiasin
Por todas las relaciones

Mt. Fuji, Japan

Restore our natural sense to feel a great nature at "Mt. Fuji"

On July 25 1999, we started to call for “Festivals on Day Out of Time” on people all over the world, which has every year around 500 festivals in the world with great cooperation from a lot of artists who sympathize with the concept. In 2004, we will call for festivals at holy places throughout the world or call for creating “holy places” themselves by festivals in order to restore the correct recognition of the new time and “environmental consciousness”– that is, to truly feel our surroundings. According to the structure of the universe, all the life and nature on the earth is based on “Organic Order”. We hope for human beings to stop feeling and thinking outside of this natural order and system, which the 20th century was especially remarkable for, and to live again with the natural law without ignoring it. So we call for “Day Out of Time” in 2004. Art is voyage through space. Time is naturally a concept of cycle created from the movement of the moon and stars, that is an universal cyclic order to inscribe the flow of one all day by the rotation of the earth. Art has also been created to connect us to the universe.

This festival will recreate the circulation between the spirit and phenomenon again.

We call on you for joining us in “The Day Out of Time Festival” to get rid of artificial and mechanical time you’ve had. We believe every spirit needs the main theme “Time is art”. Now, we announce with our prayers and arts on 25th July 2004 toward the moon, sun, galaxy, and all over the universe, so that we can restore the “Organic Order” into our mind. And we hope with this global festival to achieve the activation of “Gaia” our earth and to get festival spirits back to it.

To clean Mt. Fuji ends up not only cleaning it up but also restoring our natural sense to feel it; Why can we throw trash away on the land of Mt. Fuji, the Mountain of Holy. If we feel the Fuji as a Holy place, we cannot throw garbage away there. FEEL THE FUJI FESTIVAL, which is made up by the brief that the natural sense to feel the Fuji gets back to us the feeling to be greatful for it, motivation to protect nature, hope to live in good harmony with nature, seriousness to solve environmental problems, wish to inherit nature to children...

Producer: YANASE, Hirohide
Yellow Crystal Human

Introduction of FEEL THE FUJI

1. FEEL THE FUJI is according to the basis of festivals. 'Festival' was originally made as a harvest festival because harvest is credited to the sun, land, water, warms, bacteria, and all the other people in the community, and people felt, knew the scientific truth so that they held a festival for the land in some place and for the God in the other place. We've produced FEEL THE FUJI festival to make people restore the sence of feeling the truth.

2.FEEL THE FUJI Festival is created by artists with the spirit of festival who feel thankful for nature and agree with the concept of the festival. What their spirits create in concert with the great nature of Mt. Fuji is hope, wish, that is to say, an art itself so that in the moment it comes to be a "festival".

3. FEEL THE FUJI is a starting point of communication. This "festival" or its acknowledgement makes Japanese feel Mt. Fuji and let them restore the feeling that they cannot throw garbage away on the land of the holy mountain and recover the communication with Mt. Fuji appreciating the sustenane from it. FEEL THE FUJI festival is a starting point to complete it constantly and organically, and we aim to solve environmental problems fundamentally by the fees.

4.We've selected the "time" and "location" for the festival every year carefully because those make just an event be a great festival to let people restore the spirit of the festival. "Time" is, every year as usual, the Day Out of Time, that is 25th July, when recently about 1,000 festivals are held all over the world. "Location" this year is Mt. Fuji Children Land. Mt. Fuji is a holy place and we want to hold a festival at a holy place this year because we made a objective to call on creating "Holy Places" in the world by this festival this year. We aims to make this place the home of restoring people's power of life and their communication with nature.

<< click here for more information >>

Nelson, New Zealand

Time is Art Celebration

Planetary Art, Culture and Peace Festival
Day Out of Time - July 25, 2004

The idea behind the Day Out Of Time is to take a day out from the mechanical grind of clock time to celebrate and be together. The purpose of the event is to celebrate “time is art,” to promote peace through culture, to forgive debts, to revive the notion of festival, and to offer a positive, living vision of what the future could be. It is a global festival, celebrated locally.

The Thirteen-Moon Calendar consists of 13 Moons of 28 days each. 13 x 28 = 364, The Day-Out-of-Time is the plus-one factor that directly synchronizes the Thirteen Moon Calendar with the 365-day solar orbit. Corresponding to July 25th on the Gregorian Calendar, the Day Out of Time has been celebrated through an ever-increasing number of events worldwide for over ten years now.

Since the Day Out of Time is no day of the week or month at all, it is a perfect day for atonement, creative empowerment, and praise; it is the true free day. Originally celebrated as the first "human be-in" in 1967, the Day Out of Time is now recognized in over 50 countries worldwide, celebrated by hundreds of thousands of people.

A grand festival is planned for Nelson, all day from 10 am at the Trafalgar Center Victory room and courtyard. A day for the whole family, including two stages with live music and acts to keep you dancing all day; artists, healers, community group and calendar stands will provide interest; special kids’ activities; food and relaxation spots….and a giant peace mandala that you can help carve in stone! It’s our festival and we make it what it is.

Come join us in a fun Day Out of Time!

If you can help or contribute, would like to participate or offer ideas please call
Avner at 548-9088 or

Oahu, Hawaii


There will be Drumming dancing, organic food grown on the farm provided by Ono Pono, drumming,
fire ceremony, decoding and celbration of the Great Calendar Change of 2004

For directions, etc. contact:
or 808-923-9504

~ more information to be posted soon ~

Ottowa, Canada

For more information:

Perth, Western Australia

Every year since 1992, the Day out of Time has been celebrated as a planetary peace through culture festival, a day of forgiveness and artistic celebration. This year’s event is of unprecedented importance for it initiates the Great Calendar Change which opens the Door to the Road to 2012.
The central focuses are Planetary Peace through Culture;

Stop Business as Usual; the principle that Time is Art . . . forgiveness, atonement, freeing of debts, purification, the Art of Peace. The 25th July is the one day of renewal reserved for festival and community, a catalytic launch pad to the Blue Crystal Storm year.

Celebration begins in the heart so come and be one of the Perthlings who are joining the planetary party. Bring your instruments, particularly drums. We’ll start around 9.00pm on Saturday 24th July with a drumming circle round the fire (weather permitting), followed by the Rainbow Bridge Meditation, a global ceremony intended to create a telepathic wave of love that connects us with the centre of the Earth and with all of our worldwide family. Once connected to the matrix of communication,
the party begins . . . tribal beats . . . psy trance . . .

~ 130k (90 mins) from Perth ~

Bring warm clothes and whatever you need!

For details contact Phoebe on +61 (8) 96551426 or +61 (0) 407 606696.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Come Celebrate the Day Out of Time

An international day of peace, harmony and
synchronicity on the Mayan-inspired 13 Moon Calendar! Enjoy a day of Art, Music,
Food and Friends as we move from White Wizard year to Blue Storm. After an
excellent response to our event last year, we have decided to hold this year's
event at Lemon Hill in Fairmount Park. Festivities begin at noon and will
continue until Sunset. In addition to collective art and music making, the Day
out of Time will feature New Time Sharing workshops to spread the gift of New
Time and a burial for Mechanical Time. That's right, Mechanical Time has
expired, and it is time to put it to rest. Bring any broken watches, clocks, or
other timekeeping devices and add them to our burial ceremony at sunset!

For more information, contact PANadephia HQ at 215 985 5927.
We hope to see you there! Come and bring a friend!!!!

San Francisco, California

San Francisco Day-out-of-Time

When: July 25, 2004, White Spectral Mirror, Noon-Beyond
Where: Golden Gate Park, Hippie Hill
What: Potluck, drum circle, costume party

Organized by Marco

San Juan Island, Washington

Spirit Tree Center
Day Out of Time Celebration

Where: South Beach, San Juan Island, WA
When: July 25, 2004 5:00p.m.

Come drum with us for Peace
Anchor Yourself in Natural Time
Support the 13 Moon Calendar
Celebrate the New Year
Bring your drum or other instrument
If you have extra instruments bring them to share
Share a poem, song, saying, blessing or piece of wisdom
Bring the intent of peace and the desire to sit in sacred circle!

For more information please call Spirit Tree 360-378-6442

Santiago, Chile


Country: Chile
City: Santiago
Time: DOOT (July 25) all the day /
Día Fuera del Tiempo (25 de Julio)
Place: Carpa Gran Circo Teatro, "Tent of Great Circus Theatre" at downtown / en pleno centro
Address: Vicuña Mackenna 37, Plaza Italia
Free / Gratis
Activities: Rainbow Bridge Meditation / Meditación Puente Arcoiris
Art for Children
/ Arte para Niños
/ Música
/ Danza
/ Talleres
/ Comida

Contact / Contacto:
(Galactic Embassy, PAN Santiago, Chile) /
Embajada Galáctica,
PAN Santiago, Chile
Web Page PANtiago Chile / Página Web:


St. Petersburg, Russia

Planet Art Network - Russia
Foundation for the Law of Time

Day Out of Time 2004
"Solar Ring"
Festival of Peace and Art

Located in the Gulf of Finland is an island
where we invite all our friends
to witness the magic of Spirit that is open to everyone
who assumes responsibility for the mystery of co-creation,
who is willing to put efforts into the common goal.
This is a living experiment
and it can only come true
once we unite our intentions, our time and energy,
for the sake of Peace, serenity, harmony, joy,
for the sake of our wonderful Mother Earth.

Our two day celebration on July 24 and 25 includes many different events:
live music, creative workshops, galactic meditations,
sincere communication, organic food, tea ceremonies,
performances, theatre, circus, video-art, shamanic rituals, fire show,
mystic journeys, tarot and rune readings, chiromancy, rei-chi,
art installations, galactic games, live tzolkin and more!..

And the main event of the Festival -
ceremonial celebration of the coming
new year of the Blue Crystal Storm,
year of the Great Calendar Change

We are willing to explore our own creativeness,
to awaken talents dormant within us,
to open the door towards Galactic Culture,
to send a prayer
for Peace on Earth and all of the Cosmos,
for future without wars and aggression,
for universal healing.
We intend to guide our unified efforts
through the act of co-creation
through ritual, dance, music...

In Lakech

Victoria - Yellow Crystal Warrior
Timofey - Red Self-Existing Serpent

please contact us for more info on this event:
+7 095 229-33-01 (password: "IN LAKECH")

Tibacuy, Colombia

Festival Nacional de Paz Nueva Consciencia Tiempo=Arte

Country: Colombia
City: Tibacuy (a dos Horas de Bogotá)

Time: July 24, DOOT (July 25), July 26 until noon /
Julio 24, Día Fuera del Tiempo (25 de Julio), Julio 26 hasta mediodía
Place: Holon Paradise in Tibacuy / Holon Paraiso
Name of event: National Festival of Peace New Conscience Time=Art /
Festival Nacional de Paz Nueva Consciencia Tiempo=Arte

Free / Gratis


Rainbow Bridge Meditation / Meditación Puente Arcoiris
/ Música
/ Danza
/ Talleres
Ecological Long walk
/ Caminata ecológica
/ Comida

Previous Inscription / Inscripcion previa

Contact / Contacto:
Bogota Planet Art Network / Red de Arte Planetaria de Bogotá
57-1-2695073/366 03 44
cel phone: 315 356 4857

Washington, D.C.


"The Awareness of Oneness/“Day Out of Time” Rally and Festival (A.O.) celebrates the ethnic, cultural, and spiritual diversity of our global community while acknowledging the undeniable truth that we all share One Earth. We cannot have a healthy relationship to Earth if we are in conflict with one another, for Earth is a part of all, and all are part of Earth. Humanity would be greatly benefited by waking to the reality of the interconnectedness of all life. In this day of fast food and high speed-internet, however, we humans rarely take the time to slow down and put our feet directly upon the land in a sacred manner that allows for this conscious connection.

On Sunday, July 25th, 2004 at
Meridian Hill Park (affectionately known as Malcolm X Park) in NW Washington, DC,
between the hours of 11am – 7pm, we intend to change that.

Through a myriad of music, art, dance, and creative expression, we will honor the planet, and ourselves, placing emphasis on the great need to reconcile differences, employ forgiveness, and educate our children about the world that they shall one day inherit. The Mayan “Day Out of Time” is an annual international celebration designed to synchronize the energies and efforts of actualizing peace worldwide. In the current climate of immense political, social, and environmental upheaval, A.O. represents a return to balance in which we, humans, respect ourselves, and All life, as we consciously strive for understanding, acceptance, and unanimity ...

In Loving Service,

Shavonne Morton, One Common Unity, Inc./A.O.

For more information:

PHONE: 301 891-3331/202 529-2125

Wollumbin, Australia

Brisbane and Byron
Planet Art Network co-present
Day Out of Time!

Focussing on that which
Sustains Our Global Village thru:

and more...

For Info and Expressions of Interest contact Gillian and go to

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